Goals for 2018 - Are you ready to take them on?

If you are like me you may have a list of goals for 2018. They may be personal or business goals, some short term, some long. Some may take a couple of days to accomplish, whereas other could be weeks, months, or the whole year. You might be able to do them on your own or with the aid of someone else, but when it comes right down to it are you ready, willing, and able to do them? SMART (Specific-Measurable-Achievable-Relevant-Timely) goals has always been the starting point for setting goals however there are a few other things to consider.
I know personally I have struggled over some of my goals over the years. It could have been that I didn't know how to accomplish them, where to start, or just get distracted with other things. I am a bit of a list maker and also am process driven. I research what I need to do and then get overwhelmed in all the steps, time, or dare I say it – money, needed to take to accomplish the goal(s). Oh, and I have a bit of a problem volunteering or saying 'No' which distracts me from what I need to focus on!
So in preparation for my 2018 goals I started my list of what I wanted to accomplish over the year. This included both personal and business goals and quite often the two intertwined. I looked back at how I was successful with some goals, and not with others. Below is a list of some of the things that help me to succeed and hopefully they will help you out too, no matter what the goal is.- Write The Goal Out. How often do we say we are going to do something but then forget about it. By writing it out it affirms it in your mind but also it is on paper. You can also make a goal list on the computer. Open up Word or Excel and create your list. You can use many of their templates or create your own. There is not any right or wrong way to do it - whatever works for you.
- Plan Out the Goal. In your list of goals include a column for Date Started and Date Achieved. Some may have steps in between that need to have additional dates. So for instance one of my goals for 2018 is to write monthly blogs. This is the first one of 12 and so I can check off January as done. You can also add a column for Notes so you can keep track of some of the challenges, successes, and contacts. Include a column for To Do's. This way you have the necessary steps to achieve your goal. Once you have created this table or chart it is easy to add information as needed.
- Refer to Your List Regularly. So you have made the list and then you put it away. I have found that if you put a reminder in your daytimer it keeps it as part of your daily or weekly routine. This can be set up as an event in your electronic or paper calendar or as a Task. Calendar programs and CRMs (Customer Relationship Management application) all come with Task options which also has reminder notices that can be emailed to you.
- The Power of a Partner. If you don't tell someone there isn't any accountability to ensure that you are doing what you set out to. There are times when you might hit a wall with your goal and having someone to bounce ideas off of really can help. There are a number of amazing business and personal coaches out there that can help guide you. Some people find accountability partners very helpful too. You can have as many accountability partners as you want as they may suit different goals. For example you may have set a personal goal of working out at a gym or walking two or three times a week. The person that you partner up for that goal can actually be working out with you. When it come to business the accountability partner is usually someone that has strengths that you might want to mirror, have succeeded with the goal before, or maybe they have the same goal as you! Social media has made it easier for you to be more accountable. You can belong to a social group specific to the goal, or email/message your accountability partner with updates and questions regularly. You might find with a group that there are a multitude of helpful tips and celebration of successes.
- And Finally – Celebrate! Have you ever reached a goal and let it go unnoticed? Sure – you may be someone that doesn't want any attention or that you are fine with just knowing you succeeded with your goal, and that is alright. Some goals don't need to be shared but there are some that you need to scream from the rooftops. This is something that can build not only your self-esteem but also your credibility with those around you and also propel you in a direction you never thought of. Visibility leads to Credibility which in turn leads to Profitability. This is something that Dr. Ivan Misner of BNI (Business Network International www.bni.com or www.bni-ocn.com) has been educating business professionals for over 30 years. If you have accomplished a goal – celebrate it! Put it on social media, email it out to a group using an email blast, if it is relevant to your business put it on your promotional materials, the sky is the limit!
I hope that you have found some of these tips helpful. So thank you for helping me to fulfill one of my goals for January 2018 - writing a blog! I look forward to entering this in my Excel spreadsheet and then sharing this accomplishment with my business peers and clients.
Have a prosperous 2018 and wish you much success in your goals!
If you are interested in obtaining a free copy of my Excel Goal Sheet visit www.atyourspeedtraining.com and sign up for my monthly newsletter that has tips and tricks as well as a list of upcoming training workshops. You will also be helping me to achieve another goal of expanding my business!
Janet Morozuk, of At Your Speed Computer Training, helps individual and business clients in 1:1, group, and workshop settings to understand Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, CRMs, Email, Computer Operating Systems such as Mac and PC, as well as Social Media, Graphic Design, and Print Production. To contact Janet email atyourspeedcomputertraining@gmail.com or call 705-791-2370.
411 Huronia Rd., Unit 5, Barrie, ON L4N 9B3
Using Images in PowerPoint Presentations

No, thankfully this isn't a picture of the Blue Jays winning last night, however, I have sat in workshops where the presenter used images very similar to this quality. It may have looked good on their phone or tablet screen when they took the picture but when it was enlarged the quality and readability wasn't there. Make sure you test your image by projecting it on the screen prior to your presentation. If it doesn't work you still have time to delete it and rearrange the slide.
In order to ensure that the images are visible, impactful and reinforce or complement your message they need to be high quality, clear, and relevant to the topic you are speaking of. They are not there as space fillers or to emphasize every point, they should add value. Try also not to put an image in the background with the type over top. Sometimes this makes the type illegible, or difficult to read.
Clip art can be helpful when a photo is not available. The odd one is okay however too many can be overly cartoonish and lack the professional look. Also, because other people use the same PowerPoint application/version, or attend the same type of seminars, you might run into presenters using the same images, which tends to muddy the waters of professionalism.
If you are looking for some great images but don't have the budget for a photographer, or a royalty-protected image, there are a number of great photo/illustration bank websites that have thousands of professional, clear, and high resolution, quality images. One that I am fond of is www.dollarphotoclub.com. You can buy an image for $1 and download them in the format and size that you need, when you need them.
Images can make or break your presentation. They can engage your audience and help to serve your workshop needs so take a closer look at your images the next time you are doing a PowerPoint presentation. You will be surprised at how they can help you stand out in the crowd.